Board of Directors

Dr. Venugopal


Dr. Venugopal Murugapillai, also known as Venu is an accomplished medicinal chemist and one of the first of in his lineage to bring Indian oriental medicinal chemistry knowledge to the modern Biotech Companies. Dr.Venu completed his masters in chemistry from Presidency College and finished his PhD (1987-1992) from one of the finest CSIR lab, Chennai INDIA to conduct his basic research with the national CSIR fellowships.

After PhD research worked, joined Amrutanjan Company private limited as the R&D manager and worked for 7 years and developed more than 70 natural and synthetic compounds related to phytochemical and natural product derivatives. Later on to refine his research knowledge moved to Taiwan as a post-doc scientist at National Taiwan University in the department of medicinal chemistry and studied the anticancer drug effects using DNA intercalation technology and structural modification of natural compound lycorine alkaloid.

Further joined Singapore National R&D one of the A*STAR namely Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, (ICES), as a senior scientist with a mission-oriented research that advances scientific discovery and technological innovation towards research, manpower and economic growth of the country by guiding many master and doctoral students. To his credit published top international papers and gained significant patents. Interacted with the many industrial projects and worked with top cooperate companies like Sony, Pfizer etc.,

After moving to INDIA initially joined Shasun Research centre as the Deputy General Manager. Over last 10 years of discovery & innovation with a vision and mission started his own VENBIOTECH venture capital as Founder/CEO and believes in "The Beauty of Natural Medicine's in Empowering Healthy Human Life styles" as a base for VENBIOTECH Manufacturing and R&D systems towards modern biotech industry in curing different metabolic disorders and now turn's to be the brand leader in the field of Curcumin (Turmeric) and other natural compounds isolation and purification to the finest in saving mankind from not using the artificial synthetic chemical systems.

Mrs. Padmaja


Mrs. Padmaja Venugopal is an Economics Graduate from UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS, Has 25+ years of experience in HR Administration across various South East Asian Countries / INDIA and further moved to INDIA in starting up her own biotech venture capital. Padmaja being the MD & COO at VENBIOTECH has been actively involved in financial management and blending the current economic strategies and providing a vital strength and support to VENBIOTECH (P) Ltd., within INDIA and Globally in driving and being a brand leader of Curcumin (Turmeric) manufacturing company and responsible for the overall vision and in-charge of running day-to-day operations of the company with a focus of combining the oriental medical systems with the modern biotech concepts to incorporate into the current corporate and economic trends in saving human community towards a healthy life style.

Over the years, she is actively involved in the development of various cutting edge economic trends related to manpower and blending them with the modern manufacturing systems and played a vital role in the formation and the development of various companies Lotus (P) ltd., and trust, namely Karthikeyan Educational Trust., etc., Personally committed to the cause in eradication the issues related to illiteracy levels in INDIA by forming and being an active board member of different trust. Padmaja Venugopal is a woman with vision and compassion in driving VENBIOTECH, to the next new levels, in creating their own research organisations with a wide knowledge in economic global business trends towards the current manufacturing systems.